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Written By Mai Taf

Welcome to Stung By Bees- A Blog 🐝 
Dating in the 21st century is a hum with us bees buzzing around the hive otherwise known as online dating. The fight to be noticed, shaking off the caste of worker bee, becoming a drone, before ascending to queen bee, is a dangerous game. It’s difficult enough when you’re a model bee, but it’s even more terrifying when you’re a bee with a bigger body! This blog is a series of short stories based on tales of bees in the hive trying to avoid the sting, but the sting is in these tales! 

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The Boy in Men’s Clothing

Just like the seasons of the year, in dating there are periods of abundance (Spring) and periods of undersupply (Winter). I was somewhere...

The Therapist is in the House

It was June. The weather was amazing for that time of year and the sun split the sky almost every day. Summer and the thought of a...

The Naughty Professor

Some dates are good, some dates are dreadful, and some dates are promising. If you follow the blog, you’ll probably believe that there...

The Man from Del Monte

The old adage “if it looks too good to be true, it probably is” will serve any dater well. I learned this the hard way as a newbie dater....

MC Fullaschitt- Yeh Boi!

I blame the year 2020. The clock seemed to stop on the world as we knew it and so began a world with no rules or expectations like...

What a Drag!

When I was a young girl, I was told tales of a valiant prince and his noble stead whisking me away to a life of eternal happiness. Well...

Confidence Rich, Cash Poor

The conversation could’ve been confused for a vow of silence as we sat, sipping the dregs of coffee, and waiting for the other to put...

The Shopping List

I lock the door behind me, take off my shoes, and place tonight’s date into the disastrous pile. As I sink down into the sofa, the tall...

The One Tick Neurosis

There was only one tick. I close the app and reopen the app. Still one tick. I check my service, two bars. That must be it, so I move...

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